Some Better Ways to Sleep Properly!

There are many who suffer from sleeplessness, which is insomnia. That could be due to some actual problem or can either be due to improper means of sleeping. Many have to take the help of sleeping pills and other means to take a good sleep. To look and feel fit and healthy maximum eight to nine hours of sleep is a must.

There are many factors which are directly related to our sleep:

The mattress or the pillow we sleep on

Mattress should be like really comfortable and soft such that our back does not pain. An improper posture on such a mattress can lead you to absolutely no sleep. Moreover many at times we do not consider the kind of pillow we sleep on. Many prefer pillows which are stiff and hard, whereas the others prefer pillows which are soft. One should always prefer such pillows which have filling of fibre, because the ones which are filled with cotton usually tend to break and causes pain in the backbone, which can in turn create a lot of problem for you to sit and sleep, both the ways.

Set a regular time to bed

Once when you are in a habit of going to bed in time, you will realise that your schedule will seem to be more flexible, for the simple reason that when you are going to bed on time, you will definitely wake up on time and give time to all those chores equally which are important. Fix your time of going to bed. In case the time for your going to bed requires a little change, make sure you change it slowly and steadily in months with the increment of 15 minutes.

Rise up from your bed at the same time

In case you are working, your schedule will definitely be tight and you shall have lesser time for various tasks in the morning, but once you have a fixed time for waking up every morning you will realise that you are able to give equal time to various tasks you have pending.

Some Better Ways to Sleep Properly!

Take a good nap in the afternoon

An afternoon nap, after lunch is the best time to sleep, and psychologically it is the time when one is feeling sleepy the most. The afternoon is said to be the power nap, when you wake up in the evening one usually feels fresh and all set for the next task. Make sure you power nap of the afternoon does not extend to more than 1 hour. If exceeded you can feel lazy all throughout the day and you might feel as to when you will go to bed at night. So make sure you take this nap, but not exceeding and hour, which will be sufficient.

Sleeping off on the couch is really not a good idea

This will show your lazy attitude towards work. We all feel sleepy when at work but one should never sleep anywhere we get to. Sleeping on the couch can leave you a paining back for the evening, so make sure whenever you are feeling sleepy lie down on the bed for a while and give a good stretch to your hands and legs. Moreover if you are tired sitting and working with the chair and the table, take a good walk, have coffee and get back to work, you will surely feel vitalized again.

A sleep conducive environment is a must

Make sure whenever you are going to sleep, create a good sleeping environment, dim lights, a good and balanced temperature of the air conditioner, a sufficient amount of blanket and soft pillows to sleep on. Minimum amount of noise, in case you have such surrounding where you just cannot avoid noise, make sure you buy ear plugs for yourself, to have a good and a sound sleep.

Caffeine, alcohol and tobacco to be completely avoided

Caffeinated drinks such as coffee, hot chocolates, along with tea, sodas and various other aerated drinks should be avoided to an extent before you go to sleep. These are such drinks which keep the mind stimulated for a long period of time, therefore when people have to keep waking up for long hours at time for work they take the help of coffee. On the other side alcohol, make seem to put you off to sleep, even though it might not last for the whole night. Therefore nicotine should be completely avoided any time near the bedtime. This can keep you waking up the entire night and not let you sleep, even though when you want to.

Exercise regularly

The best reason to work out is that you feel sleepy at the right time. Working at office on working hours will get too tired mentally, but when you will work out you perspire and you tend to get tired physically. The main idea is to stimulate your body. This will help you feels sleepy exactly at the bed time, which is one of the biggest advantage of working out. For some time you might feel rejuvenated, but later on you will surely get a good sleep.

Herbal tea or warm milk while going to bed

While one is going to bed an idea of warm milk or herbal tea is great which is even very conducive for one to lead to good sound sleep.

Many people strive for a good sleep, whereas there are a few who fall asleep as soon as they go to the bed. Those who go to the bed with a light mind and the one which is free from all tensions they are able to sleep well, whereas those who take stress cannot have a good sleep. Practicing yoga and other mind relieving activities can lead to a good sleep. After trying all the above tips, if one is still not able to get a good sound sleep, one can take help of some doctors which can be helpful in the long term.

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