10 Alternatives of Soda!

People all over the world continue to grab extra calories with the help of sugary drinks like soda. This drink guzzled up with extra calories is mainly famous among the teenagers. A rough figure says that about one third of the high school students all over the world drink two or more soda every day. A national survey was done in the U.S. by center of disease control and prevention and the result concluded that sugary drinks and sports drinks are high in demand on everyday basis especially among the teens.

We all are aware of health dangers of soda but still we don’t stop consuming it. Excess consumption of soda can lead to risk of diabetes, obesity and various other diseases as well. A research was made recently in the university of Bristol and Bangor which says that drinking high amount of soda can lead to sweet cravings in humans. The reason behind this is that it actually dulls your sensitivity towards sweet tastes, which means a vicious cycle of sweet drinks and foods will be sparked. Dr. Hans Peter Kubis from Bangor’s university remarked that the levels of taste satisfaction are dropped significantly when one consumes excess of sweet food.

Don’t you think it is high time you kick out soda from your and your family’s life? Here are few healthier thirst quenchers having low calorie and which will satisfy your taste buds as well.

  1. Spiff up water – you will find a plenty of variety of flavored water all over around but many of them still contain high amount of sugars or artificial sweeteners. A better and healthier choice would be natural flavor. If you want a real flavored and refreshing drink then add few slices of your favorite fruit or veggie like lime, mint, cucumber, watermelon, orange or lime in an ice cold pitcher. It will give you a really refreshing effect and your body will be soothed. Another wonderful option could be that in an ice cube tray put few chopped up fruits along with some water and freeze it. Make use of these colorful fruit cubes for instant color and flavor in your beverage.
  2. Green tea – several studies have been done regarding the benefits of green tea and it has been proven that it helps in preventing the risk of various diseases like kidney stones, hypertension, heart disease, different types of cancer and even cavities. Green tea is completely calorie free if taken nude without sugar or milk. It is naturally rich in antioxidants. Nowadays it is available in different varieties and flavors so you can pick your favorite. Most of the people enjoy its natural taste but if you want a little sweet flavor in it then you can add few drops of honey in it. It can drink iced or hot whichever suits you.
  3. Combo of Seltzer and juice – there is no more need to buy pricey vitamin enhanced water or sugary sodas which are packed with calories. Instead mix up juice with seltzer and you will have access to a healthier, tastier and inexpensive drink. Take up a thick tart juice like grape, pomegranate or cranberry, they make a great base for your combo drink in addition to health benefits. Cranberry juice has many benefits like protection against kidney stones and urinary tract infections. Pomegranate juice is eminently rich in vitamin B and C while the grape juice is an excellent antioxidant which provides protection to your blood and brain vessels. In order to make this bubbly and light concoction mix three part of seltzer along with one part of juice.
  4. Sweet stevia – it is an herb having sweet taste but without any calories or carbs. Research has proved that it is really helpful in managing glucose intolerance and obesity as well. It has been growing in huge amount in the organic food market in the form of dietary supplement. It is sweet, inexpensive and easily soluble in cold water. It is delicious which will surely make you forget about the soda.
  5. Tonic along with lime without alcohol – the tonic is mostly popular among hard drinks as it provides an excellent base but you can mix it with lemon or mint to gain access to delicious and refreshing beverage.
  6. Red wine – if you indulge in red wine in complete moderation then it is really beneficial for your health and even reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases as well as heart attack. Choose a red wine without additives like sulfites, they might cause allergic reaction or may be even headache.
  7. Vegetable drink – take all the benefits of veggie by drinking vegetable juice; it has low calories but amazing benefits. They contain less natural sugar as compared to fruits. They are definitely high in sodium, so it would be better if you could make fresh juice at home with the help of a juicer. Take few veggies and you can take few slices of fruits as well to sweeten your drink.
  8. Soy milk – it is naturally sweet and it even comes in different flavors like vanilla and almond. For those who do not like dairy, this is a great alternative. Consuming soy milk will provide you multiple benefits like prevention from osteoporosis and heart disease.
  9. Loose Tea – it is great option for substituting soda as it contains low calorie. You can prepare it by brewing loose tea in an infuser and the taste will be wonderfully taken out. It is great for your health as well as for taste. You will find different flavors of loose hot cup of tea like black, oolong, green and white.
  10. Coffee – it is quite a known fact that if you consume coffee in moderation then it will prove healthy. It contains only few calories if you do not add sugar or cream in it. It reduces the risk of developing heart diseases, diabetes and cancer. Remember not to indulge in too much caffeine as it will lead to anxiousness and jittery.

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