10 Benefits of Honey!

Honey has been in use for more than 10,000 years for its natural sweet taste. But many people do not know about the health benefits of this natural product made by bees. Here I have listed few benefits of honey.

    1. Sore Throats – honey is really good for sore throat and helps in soothing your throat. It gently coats your throat and works as a natural antibiotic for your body. It helps in fighting against the various infections responsible for sore throats. For best results one should gargle honey along with some warm water and for more instant results you can add a pinch of salt and one teaspoon of lemon. This will work as a wonderful cure for your throat and you will be able to see the results instantly.
    2. Burns and Cuts – honey has got wonderful antibiotic properties. This natural sweet stuff can be used as a thick paste for minor wounds, cuts or injuries. One must be wondering, how is that possible? This is done by natural release of hydrogen peroxide by honey and ultimately helps in disinfecting wounds. Also remember that it is just a home remedy for small cuts and wounds and should not be used for any major injury that requires a medical lawyer. In case you get any injury, it is advised that you visit the doctor as soon as possible.
    3. Hangover – are you one of the people who get drunk too much in the night and then suffer from hangover the next morning? If your answer is yes the honey will become your life savior. After the hangover just try a tablespoon of honey and notice the miracle happening. The sugars present in the honey speed up the oxidation process of the alcohol present in your liver. For best results take warm honey along with a glass of juice. No more problems of hangovers.
    4. Cure For Ulcers – you would be surprised to know that honey has a natural ability to soak water from its surrounding environment. It means when present in your stomach it denies the permission to take fluid to the bacteria which are responsible for ulcers. And thus, honey is a natural cure for ulcers and easily kills the bacteria without any chemicals.
    5. Losing Weight – this is another hidden quality of honey. Many people do not know that honey can reduce your bulge to a great extent. It should be taken along with a glass of warm water or juice and this will help in digesting the stored fats in your body and thus reducing weight. For more instant results, you can take a spoonful of honey along with lemon juice in warm water early in the morning. This will help you in reducing fat on your stomach and remember to take it empty stomach for best effects. One should not overdo it as you would know that honey contains more calories than sugar.

Benefits of Honey

  1. Energy Booster – feeling a little lazy this morning? Here is your little booster, honey. It works as a fantastic energy booster whether it is after a long day, some game or jogging. It is an excellent source of energy for your body. A tablespoon of honey contains 64 calories which is a huge amount. You need not fill up your belly for the extra energy rather just have some teaspoonful of honey and you are done for the day. You will realize that you are much more active and vigorous in your day to day activities.
  2. Toothache Cure – suffering from pain because of some stupid sore tooth? Here is the magical honey for your rescue. For good results, mix five tablespoons of honey along with one teaspoon of powdered cinnamon and apply the mixture on your sore tooth. It has instant results and the pain will slowly go away in about 10 to 20 minutes after the application of mixture on sore tooth. Try this amazing remedy and you will enjoy good results.
  3. Acne Problem – application of thin layer of honey on acne and pimples can get you rid of them in just couple of weeks. For better results you can mix a pinch of cinnamon powder and a teaspoon of lemon in it. Also, if you have sensitive skin then do not make use of lemon as it will irritate the skin more. Honey has natural antibiotic properties which help in keeping the skin clean and clear. It clears out the bacteria from the root and destroys them completely. And when no bacteria will be there then no blemishes will be there and you will be able to enjoy a clear and fair skin tone.
  4. Sleeping Problem – are you having trouble in having good night sleep? Honey can help you in this case; it has amino acids which will get you a good night sleep easily. Minerals and vitamins present in honey work as natural sedatives and can help you in solving out your insomniac problem. It will show the best results if it is mixed with glass of warm milk. Try it out and then tell us how good your sleep was.
  5. Indigestion Problem – honey can cure your indigestion problem easily. You just need to mix a teaspoon of warm honey along with some apple cider vinegar and your food will be digested quickly. It increases your metabolism rate and reducing your indigestion problem. The smell of vinegar is a bit strong and if you are unable to take it then just cut it with little bit of warm water and smell will be bearable after that.

These are the top ten qualities of natural sweeter called honey. There are a lot more hidden talents of honey. It can cure many diseases and you do not have to indulge your body into chemicals, it is perfectly natural and healthy for every individual. So, from today onwards only, make honey an essential part of your diet and start enjoying its benefits.

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