SEO Myths which You Should Know the Facts!

There are so many myths and misconceptions about SEO and Search Engine Optimization; no one will tell you the facts about them. Let me guide you about a few realities of SEO which no one will tell you. Read on this blog post on SEO myths which you should know the facts.

How many of you have a clear idea about SEO?

I guess only a few of my readers will say yes to this question. Actually there are few people only in this world who knows what exactly SEO is?

Is not it?

Let me tell you the secret that I myself am not a person who can claim that I know SEO completely. I might be aware about only less than 5% of what SEO it.


Don’t be surprised for this. It is a reality. I am a learner only and learn from my own mistakes. Honestly when I joined this field, no one was there who can guide me about SEO. I learnt SEO from my own experiences. You will be surprised to hear the fact that recently I went to meet a person from a dream company of mine. I was so keen to join the company for SEO purposes, but unfortunately he did not even consider me as a person who has a bit of knowledge about SEO.

Will you believe the fact that I was not aware about a negative SEO trick, which I failed to respond to him and he decided that I am not at all aware about SEO in one question only? To be very frank I don’t blame him for my failure, but I do accept that I was not aware about that trick which many torrent sites use. Honestly I never used a torrent site, even to download a movie. I literary never ever downloaded a movie or songs from any torrent sites in my whole career of 10 years.

So the point is that SEO is a field in which we all gather information from here and there. I get latest information from some blogs and forums only. And then I do update myself. This is how many other people are working in this industry. They all do get information either from some senior, friends, or through some online mediums.

SEO Myths which You Should Know the Facts!

SEO Myths which You Should Know the Facts!

SEO Myths which You Should Know the Facts!

Let me tell you about some popular myths of SEO industry; no one will say the reality about them. Let me try to tell you the reality associated with them.

Guaranteed Results

The thing which always irritates me is clients asking about the guaranteed results. Well can you give me the guarantee that I will stay alive tomorrow?

No. Similarly how can you take a guarantee that your website will come into search engine results page or remain over there?

When someone claims that “everything you need to know about to rank on Google” or “top 5 ways to reach to the home page of Google search”; such claims always irritates me.

SEO is a field in which no one will guarantee a result. When someone asks me to define a timeframe about in how many days, months or year a particular site will reach to the first page of Google search; I normally prefer not to respond to them.

Honestly it all depends on many factors; you cannot exactly pinpoint how much time it will take to reach to the top ranking. Also it all depends on how much efforts are you putting on the SEO of a site. You cannot expect to get a result within 2-3 days, or if your budget is too limited how can you expect an SEO to work for your website for full time?

Anyways I am deviating from the topic, but do let me tell you that SEO is a process in which nothing is guaranteed, it is not like purchasing a gold or diamond ornaments, which comes with a hallmark sign and you can rest assure about it. Buying casino affiliate websites can be a strategic move for SEO, offering a ready-made platform that can significantly boost your online presence and search engine rankings in the competitive casino industry.

It is a continuous process and needs so many things to look upon. If everything goes well, then you might expect a quick result.

Blogging is a Waste

Honestly, I hate those who claim that blogging is a waste of time. Remember I am not discussing about blogging on a personal front, but I am talking about blogging for the purpose of SEO of an online business.

Do consider it in this way. We say that morning or evening walk will help you to reduce your weight. It is indeed true, but does it work for everyone?

Obviously not.

It all depends on many factors like how regular are you in walks, how much time do you walk, are you doing it properly or not? And a combination of regular walking along with some long time and proper approach helps some person to reduce weight. Is not it?

So blogging for a business is also the same. It helps you to bring visitors to your website, but it also depends on many things like how often do you blog, do you blog properly, do you self-appraise only in your blogs, are your blogs providing some quality to the readers, etc. etc.

So those who claims that blogging is a waste of time do let them know that buddy you don’t know anything about SEO or blogging. Those who say that I am doing it from years, but not getting any results, clearly tell them that buddy you are not doing it properly. I do understand that there will be some reasons why your blog were not getting many visitors, but then you cannot call it off.

Domain Age Matters

I do say this in past as well that domain name matters for the SEO of a website. It is true as well for an extent, but it is not 100% true.

Domain age really matters towards the ranking of a site, but it is not something which can really give you an upper hand. Though it is true that old domain names might have chances that they might have some kind of content related or link related penalties from Google, and they might not be able to reach to the top ranking soon.

On the other hand new domain names can also feature on the top ranking of any search engine based on their content and back links. If you can produce quality and informative content, people will surely like it and share it on social networking sites, thus your site will have back links and search engines will rank you despite of your domain age.

SEO Expert

Now this is something which I saw many people claiming. I always know the fact that if you are claiming to be an expert of a field, then your work and knowledge should claim the same, not you.

What if Sachin Tendulkar starts saying I am the most popular batsman of Indian cricket team? We all know this fact Sachin, and this is the reason why we chanted Sachin-Sachin when you were batting.

Similarly I laugh on profiles which claim that they are an SEO expert. After all what is the need to claim the same?

You will find many so called SEO’s who don’t even have a blog or identity in their field. How can you believe on them?

Investment on Adwords

One of the most common myths associated with SEO industry is that I am investing so many amounts on Adwords program; Google will definitely prefer my website in search results. As I already mentioned it in one of my blog on how PPC might help you in SEO, that such myths are really hard to evaporate from the mind of the business owners. They have some emotional feelings with this, and you cannot bring it out from their mind.

Believe me if you are multi-millionaire and investing millions on Google’s Adwords Program; still your website will not get any preferences over others in search results. At least I do have so much trust on Google.

Let me conclude this blog post with these lines, though it is a topic on which I can write endlessly. No matter if you own a blog or a website (if you don’t know the differences between a blog and a website, then you can check this blog post of mine), your priorities should be to develop useful, informative, and resourceful content, which can be able to engage your visitors and compel them to share the same on their networks.

This will be the best SEO information for anyone.

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