How to Manage Running a Great Blog!

Managing a blog is not an easy task. It’s not a cup of tea, which anyone can pour and drink. Managing a blog is not a task which anyone can do easily. Many of my friends complement me, for running such a nice blogs like Tech Acid, along with I News India. For them it is not a tough task, but frankly it’s too difficult as well.

Well, I would not say that managing a blog is that much difficult as well, if you know the tricks, it will become quite easy for you to manage it properly.

While I was writing my last blog on some Google Adwords tips for beginners, I realized that I should write some simple tips for how to manage and run a blog for beginners. So here is a summary of some of the tips which can help you to properly manage a blog.


Patience is the backbone behind every successful blog. No one can be able to gain any success in their life without patience. When you run a blog, you will realize that patience is the main criteria which you need and I am sure if you will take blogging as seriously, you will definitely has higher level of patience later on.

Always remember, not every great blog achieved so much success overnight. It was the hard work of the blog owner which made it great with time. While if you seriously planning to run a blog, then generate the quality of patience in yourself first.

How to Manage Running a Great Blog!

Must Read:

Top 5 Tips To Make Your Blog Better!
Importance of Good Communication Skills behind your Success!
What is the Truth behind Overnight Success!


Other than patience, creativity is the vital force behind becoming an owner of a great blog. If you are a regular visitor of our blog, you will also realize that initially I was also not that much creative, but with time I realized the need of the same, and now you can easily see the differences.

I would not claim myself as the most creative person, but yes, up to an extent, I became creative, and what my experience tells me that you can become creative with time and experience only.

Blogging Platform

While running a blog and running a great blog is entirely different aspect. A blog can be hosted with the help of blogger, and it can have the URL like or you can also host a blog with the help of and then your blog’s URL will be something like this:

Believe me my dear friends, it is a free way to run a blog, but in my honest opinion, it is not a good way to go ahead. People won’t take your blog that much seriously and your dream of running a great blog will scatter away.

In my opinion, if you really (seriously, rather) want to run a blog, then you must need a unique domain name for your blog. Then along with the domain name you must also need to spend a bit on hosting them as well, and if you ask me my recommendation will be Hostgator as always (Use the coupon code techacidva and get a discount of $9.94 off the package price).

Once these setups are done, then you need to chose a blogging platform such as WordPress, or Blogger too so that you can easily run your blog and with time can be able to convert them into great blogs. My recommendation in this case is WordPress, nothing is better than them (if you have any problem in installing them, contact me at and I will definitely provide you help as well).

Great Content

You must have heard that Content is King. In the field of blogging, content is everything. I am sure those who has a idea about this, will understand why I mentioned patience and creativity as the most required things above. These are the two most important aspects, as far as writing great content is concerned, that to on a regular interval.

Well, there are millions of blog out here in the world of web, why do you think that someone will visit your blog and remember it too? It’s simply because of the great and informative content which you will provide regularly to the visitors.

Second thing, how a visitor will reach to your blog only? That can also be achieved with the help of writing great content only. Once you will write a blog post like we do for reading benefits, the search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing etc. will place your posts in the search results, thus you will start getting visitors.

There is one more benefits of providing great content to your readers, and it is, many people will refer your blog in their own website, thus your blog will get natural links and slowly-slowly become a great blog.

Also read How to Increase the Popularity of your blog?

Although there are many more things related with the same, but I am finishing this blog with the above four things only. How did you like my post?

Do update me with your comments on the post, do ask me any question which is coming in your mind, or suggest anything which you think might be relevant with the post. I would always welcome the suggestions, feedback and comments.

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