How to Buy Used Electronic Gadgets?

We do buy so many used things, like car, bike, scooter, books, etc. but when it comes about buying an electronic gadget, it becomes a tough choice. Want to buy used electronic gadgets, read on this blog to know more about how to buy used electronic gadgets safely.

Biggest concern associated with buying electronic gadgets, is the security, I mean to say if the product is genuine one or not. During last few weeks I came through many news items which were telling about the story of how a thief used to sell stolen mobile phones or stolen camera on those free classified sites.

In one case which I came through, I found that one person who lost his iPhone was going through some online classified site and by chance contacted the person who posted an ad of selling an old iPhone device, when he saw the phone and the bill of the same (which was eventually a fake bill) he was surprised enough to see the same IMEI no. which his iPhone was having. Eventually the guys who posted the ad went through jail and claimed that they only stolen the phone.

The morale of the story is that it is not that much easy to purchase any electronic gadget through these online free classified ads site. There are chances that you might be purchasing a stolen device.

How to Buy Used Electronic Gadgets?

How to Buy Used Electronic Gadgets?

So some precautions are always required before purchasing any used electronic devices from anyone. And you may be asking, can cold weather damage electronics? Why not do a little research to know more?

How to Buy Used Electronic Gadgets? 

Here are some ways through which you can be sure of:

Ask for Original Bill 

Now this is a step which might not be considered as a full proof way though you can get a little bit of assurance through it. Honestly last year only I sold a refrigerator through an online site, and truly I lost the original bill of the same, though the person asked me about it, but I clearly explained him the situation and after visiting our home he got satisfied with the situation and purchased it without any hesitation.

Once you talk to the seller about the bill, you can easily go through his expressions, and realize if there is something which is hidden and you can decline the purchase.

On the other hand these days many people might come up to you with a bill which will look alike original but might be faked as well. Now this is a situation in which you don’t have much to do. If you can identify, then it is good for you, but then it is not that much easy to identify those faked bills, as they might look like original only.

Here in this case I will suggest you to go for trusted sellers only.

Trusted Sellers 

As I said in the above post that there might be chances when you can be presented with an original looking bill and you might not be able to recognize it. In that case what will you do?

Here you will have to apply your own prudence to understand if the seller is genuine or not.

Meet the seller at his home, ideally if a person is calling you to meet him or her with their families staying with them at their place, there are less chances of having any fraud. You can trust the bills in this case, but then if you have any doubt just quit from the deal.

On the other hand if the seller is a person who is calling you at some mid place, and having some or any type of strange behavior, you should easily ignore the deal. You can also take the help of local police authority to understand if there is any fraud behind it.

In most of the cases people usually ignore taking help from police authority as they think there is no point in going through all these, as it can be difficult for the person who will complain to police, but honestly police is there for your own help and security and you can anytime take the help from them, if you have any doubt.

Product Research 

There are many electronic devices which might become outdated soon, and if you are going to purchase an old electronic device then you should research about it. Go through its specifications and check if it is still valid to purchase the product or it is been too outdated?

Just giving you an example, let’s say you are purchasing an old mobile phone with Android 2.2 version. I am sure in the age of Android 4.4 or Kitkat version, you are purchasing a phone with such old version, but then if you research more about it, you can see that right now there is no harm in purchasing that mobile phone, although I might be wrong about this conclusion, but since I am using an old phone of mine only which is working on Androind 2.2 and since it is working fine, I can recommend the same.

So go through the online reviews of that particular device, check if it is still usable and profitable to invest or not, check if the device is still manufactured by the company or not, and what specifications they do have in the latest version and what is the price differences between the two.

I am sure these researches will give you a good insight about the product which you want to purchase.

Check the Warranty 

Check whether the product is still having the warranty with it. Check how long is this warranty valid and what all are covered through it.

This will clearly give you a better picture of the product which you are buying.

The main reason why anyone goes for buying old products is money. After all new product might be out of your budget, and this is the main reason why you are settling for an used product, but then you should be sure of the thing that you are purchasing a genuine product. I am sure these tips might help you to be sure of the product which you are buying.

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  1. vinay nagaraju 10 years ago
    • Alok Vats 10 years ago
  2. abhijit 10 years ago
  3. Sampat Kumari 10 years ago

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