Top 10 Reasons to Start Blogging!

You all know that blogging is becoming too popular day by day. And you also know some of the reasons why do we blog, as I mentioned it many times. The day when I published the blog on how to make money from blogging I received around ten or more mails asking me to write a blog post on few reasons to start blogging.

This blog post on top 10 reasons to start blogging is derived from those mails only.

As I already explained few of the reasons why do we blog in my blog post on 10 common blogging mistakes to avoid by bloggers, I will explain the top 10 reasons to start blogging in this blog post. No matter if you want to be a full time blogger, or accept blogging as a part time affair, but still this blog post will inspire you to become a blogger.

Top 10 Reasons to Start Blogging!

Top 10 Reasons to Start Blogging!

 Top 10 Reasons to Start Blogging!

Here are the top ten reasons to start blogging:

To Express Your Opinion

You know what, opinion matters. You need to express your thought, your opinion about anything. In this world of Digital age, what else can be a better medium other than your own blog?

You have some opinion, you want to say something, you want to be heard by different people; blog provides the same to you.

You might ask me that I can do those things with social networking websites like Twitter, Facebook and Google+ as well.

Well, yes you can also do so, but you already know that there are so many limitations out there to express your thought. So it is always better to express yourself on your blog and then to share those links on your social media profiles. It will look more professional too.

 To Establish Yourself as an Expert

I know that you are an expert in your field. No doubt, different people are experts in their respective fields. But who knows?

Simply saying you are an expert, but you can’t write everywhere as a Blah-Blah Expert. Simply I do hate those who claims blah expert.

So, instead of you yourself claiming this, let your work explain this to others.

It is not a rocket science to judge whether a person is an expert in any field or not. You can also judge the same after discussing something relevant to them. Similarly, if a person has a blog, you can also judge if the person is an expert in their field or not after reading the blog.

So, if you really want to establish yourself as an expert in any field, let’s establish a blog and establish it through your work. Let the world decide if you really is an expert in the same field.

 To Help Others

Undoubtedly, this was the reason why I started this blog I News India; although later I converted into a blog which focuses on Self Help, Self Improvement, DIY, along with all other topics like blogging, SEO, Technology, Health, etc.

But it is also a fact that I wanted to help others with the help of my writing and hence I came up with this blog.

Let me tell you one secret, you can earn money from your profession, you can earn name and fame through many other things, but then if you don’t have this nature of helping others, all those name, fame, popularity, and money are actually a waste.

To be very frank, not everyone is a millionaire out here, who can help financially to anyone, we are a middle class fellow who somehow manage to live their life. Majority of us are living in the similar condition.

If we cannot help someone with money, then why can’t we help them with our words? A single line written by us might show a ray of light to someone else.

This is the main reason why I do blog, and I guess which can motivates all others to become a blogger as well.

 To Connect with Different People

Undoubtedly, when you start blogging, on a regular basis you will get the chance to connect with different people.

One of the bonuses of starting blogging is to connect with different people, with different opinions and values. It really makes me happy to stay in touch with so many strangers through my blog.

So if you too want to meet and stay connected with different people from this universe, you should start blogging immediately.

 To Earn Something

As I already said in the point number 3 (To Help Others), that we cannot have this freedom of helping others in the form of any financial help. But then we can at least try, who knows one day with the help of this powerful tool blogging we too can earn something.

On a serious note blogging is always considered as a main source of income, and earning. But then earning some decent amount through blogging is really not that easy. You need lots of efforts, time and a good professional team to make it possible. But then it is also not true that you alone cannot be able to do so, you can always do so.

It depends on your quality, talent, etc. and the way you represent things. Who knows that you can become an authority in your niche very soon and start earning some decent amount?

Anyways blogging is known for this earning capability and I am sure you all should not miss it. Start blogging today and let’s see how soon you started earning from your blog.

 To Promote Something

Well, it can be possible that you have a product which you want to sell. It might be possible that you don’t have the necessary amount to establish an offline shop for it. Also your budget is limited to start an ecommerce website also, but then you can anytime start blogging to sell or promote the same.

Blogging does not actually cost much; even you can start it for free as well.

Also if you really want to promote any services, or products, no matter if that product or services already has some website, you can anytime choose blogging to do so.

 To Become a Better Writer

I think I have written somewhere that day by day I am thinking that my writing style is improving and it is coming through my blog only.

I usually think, if you want to become a writer then the very first step which you need to follow is to start blogging. With time you will definitely improve your writing ability and become a better writer.

 To Become More Confident

As I said with time your blog will become a better place and your readers will start liking them, thus you will become more and more confident.

So if you are a bit less confident in your life you can start blogging to become more and more confident.

 To Have Fun

Well, fun is too important in our life. Fun is very much required.

With the help of your own blog you can enjoy your life smoothly. You can have fun when you can become a blogger. You can also join some communities of bloggers and writers, and start attending their fun meets.

I know you all are aware that I am an active member at IndiBlogger and usually share the pictures and experiences of the meet which I attend.

 Since it is Free

The last but not the least reasons to start blogging is that it is free. Of course you can have the options of WordPress, Blogger (blogspot), tumblr, etc. through which you can anytime start a free blog. Although as I said that there are some limitations associated with free blogs, hence you can spend some amount to upgrade yourself as a professional blogger.

You must also need to read this blog of mine: 10 common blogging mistakes to avoid by bloggers.

So those were the top 10 reasons to start blogging, and I am sure I did inspire you all to do so. Do let me know your feedback about the same in the form of comments. I will be waiting for the same.

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