Top 3 Alternatives of Blog Posts!

Get bored of your regular schedule of writing blog posts and then posting it on your blog? No matter how popular you are as far as blogging is concerned, you can also sometimes feel bored of your regular schedule.

What do you do in this case?

Well, one of my fellow blogger friends Aakriti once termed this situation as blocked creative mind, and she also explained about how to overcome this situation in this blog post: when you have a blocked creative mind!!

The point is that anyone can found him or herself in this situation. So what alternatives you can choose to overcome this situation.

Well, do let me ask you all a simple question. Why do we all depend on blogging so much?

Well, I guess the response is its popularity.

It is the popularity of blogging and blog posts that we rely so much on sharing the same. But then we have some more alternatives which we can share among our reader base and believe me they will surely like them as well, as they do like your blog posts too.

Top 3 Alternatives of Blog Posts!

Top 3 Alternatives of Blog Posts!

 Top 3 Alternatives of Blog Posts!

Here are the top three alternatives of blog posts which you can develop at the time of boredom and share with your reader base:


The very first way to fight the boredom associated with your regular blog posts is to develop a video and share the same with your readers. Lately videos have become more or less popular like the normal blogs only and in fact people prefer watching videos than to read normal blogs.

So if you too are facing some blocked creative mind, let’s close the editor on which you write your blog posts, and start open any video editing tool. If you are not handy with the same you can also work on PowerPoint and develop a presentation which can be converted into a video.

Don’t do anything specific; simply try to make a video of the same things which you are blogging about from so long. I am quite sure that your readers will definitely love it as well.


No doubt, infographics has become so popular these days. If you can be able to produce a good content, you can easily prepare the content for an infographics as well. An only thing which you need further is the designing ability.

If you know a bit of the designing techniques, I am quite sure you can also be able to produce a good inforgraphics with some old blog post of yours only.

This way you can share your creativity and get rid of the normal boredom which was generated because of your regular blogging routine.

To be very frank, if you do Google about it, you will get plenty of tools to design an infographics.


No doubt the most popular options among the three options which I am mentioning over here is being the infographics, but eBooks are also one of the most popular options which you can use for the alternative of the blog posts. Although if you think about it, you might tell me that both blog writing and book writing are same. But it is not true.

Book writing is not at all similar to writing blog posts. It is entirely a different approach as far as writing a book is concerned.

Believe me you can also go ahead on a topic and write an eBook of around 50 pages. Don’t try to write an eBook of around 400 pages; else it will become a proper book only.

So these were the three options which you can have once you are feeling bore of your regular routine. Do let me know your preferred option in case of this or similar situation. Do also let us know your comment about this blog post of mine.

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