Top 10 Tips for Self Improvement!

Those who are regular visitor of my website are aware that I use to write posts on self improvement on a regular basis. I still remember that one year back I wrote one post on top 6 tips for self improvement. Frankly, I got so many responses in the form of suggestions and feedback for that post and I realized that providing only 6 tips are not enough, rather self improvement is something which can include many things.

Finally I decided to write one more post on the same and first thing which I did after deciding is to note down the tips which can help us to improve, and you know what I did not look behind towards my old post, and I came up with 10 tips, so here we comes with the top 10 tips for self improvement. Hope you all will like it in the same way as you did in the past.

My personal experience with my life is that no one out here is going to help us for improving our self. It is very rare that someone will give good advice to improve other person. We are living in a world which consists of selfish people around us. I don’t want to tell that everyone behind us is selfish, but it’s a fact that many of them are selfish and just think about their life and family. We will have to manage our self only and to build the self respect and increase the will power.

We all try to improve our life, but due to several reasons we would not be able to manage it properly. At the end of the day we realize that we lost one day of our life and achieved nothing. Here are the top 10 tips for self improvement, which can improve your life.

A Good Beginning

As I mentioned in my last post also that fresh start is something which is one of the most important factor towards improving our life. Whenever you wake up, you should have the feeling that yesterday has gone, and today is a new day. I will have to start the day on a good note, and I will definitely achieve the targets which I set for today.

A Good Beginning

A good start for the day means, you should wake up a bit early, had a fresh bath, and do a bit of exercise, after all good health is something which is very much required. So once you had the exercise done, you should not avoid the breakfast, as it will provide you the much needed energy, and will help you to start the day on a very good note.

If you are living alone, then you can enjoy the music along with all these, as listening good music at the very beginning of the day helps us to improve the mood and the happy mood remains for throughout the day. Those who don’t like music that much, can also listen to news channels while doing exercise, so that they can also get a good idea about what is happening in the world.

Those who live with their family, they should try to bring all of their family members to the breakfast table. Taking breakfast together with your family will definitely boost the mood, and this enhanced mood will help you to improve your day.

Schedule and Plan

Frankly speaking, plan the tasks which you need to complete today. It is always better to note down the schedule for the tasks which you will need to complete today. One you have the schedule ready you can always tick off the things which you completed. This will give you an idea about the things which left behind at the end of the day, and then you can also analyze the reasons why it remains left.

Schedule and Plan

Analyzing the schedule and plan is one of the most important aspects of your life. It will definitely help you to improve your own life. Don’t feel shy that some of my tasks remain incomplete today, don’t worry if you know that these are the incomplete tasks, then you can shift them from today’s list to tomorrow’s list and this will help you to complete them by tomorrow. It is quite common that you planned to finish 10 tasks, but at the end one or two tasks remain incomplete. There is no harm in it.

Harm will occur once you realize that on daily basis I am leaving five or six tasks out of the ten which I planned. It means on a regular basis you are not achieving your own targets, and then you must need to analyze the tasks which you plan for the day. Try to reduce them so that you can be able to achieve them. It will boost yourself and you can increase them gradually.

Accept the Truth

Many a times it happens that something went unexpectedly in your life, and it is a fact that not all the things will go in the way as you planned. I realized this based on my own life. Be it our professional area or at our home only, something, on some day can come unexpectedly and you will realize that it destroyed your good mood completely. What need to do to recover from this situation?

Accept the Truth

I always tell one thing that you can change yourself but you can’t change someone else. So the best thing is that you should accept the truth. You should always keep focus to resolve the situation rather than insisting on changing the other person. Believe me my dear you will fail to change someone else.

The best thing is that you should know how to forget the bad moments, or failures of your life. You can definitely waste too much time to realize that either you made a mistake, or you become fail to finish some task assigned to you, or something bad happened with you, and then you can also go to depression, but if you can realize that these are the things which you can’t change, then I think you will become more happy and help you to find out the way out from that particular situation.

Don’t Expect Anything

This is something which I realized lately. The reason why we got hurt is simply because we expected something and when it did not happened we became sad. Not everyone will have the capability to accept the truth, and come out of the situation by themselves; rather sometimes this situation can lead us towards a very bad phase, and becomes hard to recover from that situation.

Don’t Expect Anything

Depression is something which can attack anyone at anytime. Once you became depressed, you will lose all the hopes and then it will be difficult to come out from this situation. What need to do so that we cannot fall to this situation?

Well in my opinion, expectation is something which is the real cause of all these problems. To improve yourself, never expect anything from anyone. Let the things come naturally and you will tackle them naturally.

Help Others

Helping others is one of the best things which can make you happy. Don’t become selfish to others. Always try to help someone else to an extent which is possible for you. Helping others does not always means to help someone with financial helps. It can be anything, a smile from your end, some advice to the needy people, some books to the needy people, some toys and useless items of your home which can be useful for someone else. All these small gestures will help you to become happy.

Help Others

Always remember one thing, the real happiness of our life lies in making others happy. If by any mean we can be able to make at least one person happy on daily basis, believe me you will become the happiest person of the world.

Take a Break

Taking break from your regular routine life is also necessary. Let me share one of my own experiences with you all. My marriage anniversary is coming ahead, and unfortunately it is on a Tuesday. Frankly, I cannot be able to take leave on that day from my office, and it was something which was making both of us unhappy. But then I did not allowed this situation to hamper our happiness, I planned to spend the Saturdays and Sunday before the marriage anniversary in a hill station. It was a surprise for my wife and when she came to know about it, she became too happy. Although it will become very hectic for us, but still it will rejuvenate our married life.

Take a Break

What I wanted to explain through this story? Well I wanted to say that it is not required to take a leave from your office, when you are aware that it is hard to take a leave, rather you can even enjoy your life by spending the time which you have. I know it will become hectic, but still taking a break and enjoying the happiest moments of your life will help you to improve your own life.

In my opinion taking breaks from your regular routine life will help you to enjoy your life full and it will also help you to break the monotony of your life.

Forget Targets

For some time in your life, you are required to forget all the targets. My dear friends it is always better to leave your office at your office only, when you are leaving towards your home. Once you reach to your home, you should need to give time to your family, and if you remember the targets of your office, you won’t be able to enjoy the happiest moments with them.

Forget Targets

When you plan to do so many things on a particular day, then my suggestion is that after an extent please forgets all the targets. Don’t allow them to ruin your life, rather, let’s say after a point of time you need to give time to your near and dear ones, and you should not stop yourself from doing so.

Be Positive

One of the most important factors which can always make our life happy is our thinking. If we think in a positive manner, it will never allow the sadness to enter in our life. I don’t know how many times I wrote that my blood group is B+, which allows me to always remain be positive in my life. Jokes apart, but anyone of us can achieve this.

Be Positive

No one is going to charge you for being positive in your life. Also your negative thinking will never allow you to turn the things which are causing the negative thought, but positive thinking will always give you support to overcome that particular situation. Whatever be the situation in your life, always remember one thing that it will be over very soon. With every second our life is changing, and every bad phase can over at any second.

So always remain positive and happy in your life.

Learn to say No

Many of us are not aware about saying No to anyone. In fact, I am also the same kind of person. But I realized it lately that for some situations we should know to say no to someone else. Frankly speaking, if we are having difficulty in saying no to others, means that we are always trying to be nice to others, but we are doing so at the expense of our self only.

Learn to say No

It is always hard to say no, because we don’t want to hurt someone else. But frankly you should learn to become rude sometimes. You should not hamper your priorities just to help someone else.

Be Awesome

The last but not the least is to become awesome. You may not be the most lovable person of the universe, but you can make yourself in a way that you can leave a mark in the mind of the other persons who are interacting with you. My own opinion about this tip is that you should have the ability to destroy the negative thinking of other people, as you yourself have the positive thinking in your life.

Be Awesome

When you will become awesome, you will definitely succeed in your life, as others will always love to support you. To become awesome, the very first step is to dress well, and always have a smile on your face.


So my dear friends, those are the top 10 tips which can help you to improve your own life, but always remember one thing, do whatever but always be yourself, and never deny yourself. It doesn’t matter if you are perfect or not, frankly, none of us are perfect, you can always try to become perfect and improve your life. Don’t hesitate in sharing your own views about this article in the form of comment.

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  1. Smriti Chautala 12 years ago

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