How to Have a Stress Free Move

Many people have vivid recollections of a nightmare moving experience, and others have heard a few stories from families and friends. From furniture being lost or stolen to people being forced to live without furniture in their new home for days and even weeks, such stories can really cause you to feel anxious about your own upcoming move. People can buy from custom cabinets by design Sacramento. However, by following a few basic steps, you minimize the possibility of such events happening to you. Here are some key tips to follow for a stress free move:

Research Moving Companies

Some of the worst stories people share with each other about moving relates to the moving company they have chosen. From items being damaged or lost to moving companies not showing up at the time scheduled (or not showing up at all in some cases), the moving company who you choose to work with plays a big role in how stress free your moving experience is. While you may want to shop around for the most affordable movers you can find, the most important factors to consider with movers are that they are dependable, hard working and careful with your possessions. Consider reading consumer reviews while shopping for rates. It is best to pay a few dollars more for a reputable moving company such as one of these out of state moving companies than put yourself at risk by booking a less than dependable company for your move.

Make Use of Self Storage Units

In an ideal world, you would move from your current home right into your new home. All furniture and belongings would have a perfect spot in your new space, and nothing would be out-of-place. In the real world, however, many people are forced to live in a hotel for a few days or an apartment for a few months while they wait for their home to be ready for move in. Others may be moving to a smaller home that doesn’t have enough space to store all of their belongings. Renting self storage unit for your belongings is a great way to make these difficult situations easier on you. Simply pack up those items that need to go into storage, and let your movers transport them for you.

How to Have a Stress Free Move

Schedule Babysitters and Kennel Services

If you are like most people, you share your home with kids, pets or both. Moving with kids and pets can be quite a challenge. You have to keep them out of the way of movers and contend with their care while your home is in a state of chaos during the move and while unpacking. Why add to your level of stress when you don’t have to? It is easier on you as well as on your pets and kids when you book a babysitter and schedule kennel service for the dates of your move. You can have a nearby family member care for pets and kids alike, or you can pay someone to watch your loved ones for you.

Leave Yourself Some Wiggle Room

One of the things about moving that really stresses people out is the factor of time. You have to be out of your house by a certain date. Someone may be moving into the home after you, utilities may be turned off or some other factors are at play. In addition to vacating, you may also have to clean the home up. These pressures may be added to other pressures such as having to return to work on a certain date, having to get the kids enrolled in a new school and more. Moving takes time, so why rush yourself needlessly? When planning your move, take an extra day off work, allow for an extra day or two to unpack and let the utilities stay on in your current home for an extra day. This extra wiggle room in your schedule can really decrease your level of stress and anxiety.

Plan For the Unexpected

Nobody wants to contend with the unexpected during a move. However, when you plan for the unexpected, those unexpected events aren’t really unexpected at all. You can and should pack all of your most needed and important items in your own car. This may include an overnight bag and some food, your essential paperwork like birth certificates and passports, your laptop and other items that are difficult to replace or that you cannot live without.
A move can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. Consider putting these tips to use for your upcoming move and enjoy a stress free experience. Say goodbye to stress and hello to a smooth move by hiring a reputable moving company in Washington DC to handle the heavy lifting and logistics with ease.

This article was written by Ben Anderson. Ben enjoys traveling and is passionate about blogging on interesting topics.

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