7 Ways to Build Your Confidence!

Guys, this is the New Year time, the time for making new resolutions, planning for the entire year, and remembering the incident happened during last year which just now passed. Many of us plan to quit smoking, or drinking, as New Year resolution, which actually breaks within a few days only. Some of the guys like us, who are a bit overweight, will think to lose weight in the coming year.

We always try to make plan for coming days, but then forget to follow them. Thus we remain in the same weight zone on which we are right now; otherwise we gain a bit weight too. Some of our friends will decide that they will spend less in this year. I know many of them went for shopping on the first weekend and thus broke the New Year resolution within one week only.

Do you know the reason behind the breakup of the New Year resolution? Well, frankly speaking it is just because we don’t have the confidence in ourselves. A few years back, Divya wrote an interesting article on how to gain self confidence on I News India, and today I decided to pick the same topic again but in a different way. I guess these 7 ways will surely help you to boost your confidence and remain strong mentally throughout the year and coming days.

Build Your Self Confidence!

Think About Your Power

We always try to change others, which in my view is not at all possible. We cannot be able to change the others; rather it will be better if we can think about what’s in our own control and what is not in our control. If you know your own strength and weakness, then only you can be able to think what exactly you can be able to change and what needs to be changed.

This can be possible if you can note it down on paper. Prepare a list of likes and dislikes of your own by yourself. Now focus on the things which you need to change and which you think that you can be able to change. Try to write down what are the stuffs which let you down. Do consider whatever points coming at your mind, be it from any relationships or workspace or whatever.

Always remember one thing, accept the truth to yourself, it will always be good for boosting your own confidence. Accept the fact that these are the things which I won’t be able to change right now, thus note down it, and move ahead.

Distance from Negativity

I am well aware of a few people who always take their life in a negative manner and thus demoralize others too. It is always better to avoid them. My suggestion would be to note down the people or situations which bring you down and then analyze their importance in your life. I would not say to avoid someone who is having more priority in your life; rather you need to avoid them so that their negativity should not come in your life too.

Always try to make friends who are positive towards their life and who knows how to enjoy every moment of their life.

Do Things Which You Like

This is probably the best mantra of your life to encourage yourself. If you do like watching movies then go out for a movie with your friends and relatives, or go out for a long drive, or listen to music which you love, like in my case I always prefer to listen the ghazals of Jagjit Singh to boost my confidence.

One of the finest ways to get relax is to go out for a session of exercise. It will help you to release the tension, and feel released and refreshed.

Basically my point is that whenever you are not feeling well, then do stuffs which you like. It will boost your confidence.

Identify the Sources

To identify the real source of stress is the key to build your self confidence. If you can be able to rectify it properly then you can be able to get rid of the same too. Many things can happen which can create stress in your life, like might be working too many these days, else you have acquired many works simultaneously and now you are thinking about a way to organize them properly.

Creating balance is the key behind the success of anyone. You should also know to build a balance between your time and activities, and you should focus on activities which can refresh your mind.

Open Yourself

Opening yourself actually means engaging yourself with some activities which you have not used so far in your life. Try to learn something new, or take up a new hobby will give tonic to your brain. As we say that adding something new to your profile will boost your sense of achievement and self worth too.

Celebrate Success

Only fixing the goals will not enough for your confidence boosting, rather to celebrate the small-small successes is good. Try to set small-small goals, and celebrate them in a grand way once you achieve the same. It is the best way to build confidence in yourself, as you will be happy that you achieved your benchmark.

As I mentioned above that note down the strength and weaknesses, similarly also note down the goals which you are setting. Also do acknowledge that you had achieved the following goals. Thus you yourself are creating a positive environment for your own confidence.

Don’t Take Everything Personally

Please note that this is my last tips to boost your confidence, but it is not the least one. There might be many other ways through which you can be able to boost your confidence, but this tip is the most basic one. You should not take everything personally, as it will down your morale.

Always remember one thing that you can only give your 100% to any work, turning it bad or good is not in your hand. Instead of thinking about the bad things, or beating yourself for it, it would be better if you can be able to think about your next step. Forget about it, and move ahead.


Although the ways which I mentioned above are all effective and will surely build your confidence, but these are effective only if you decided to make them effective. No one will be able to make you confident magically; it is you who need to identify yourself and that are the secret behind boosting self confidence. You need to put these tips in action to achieve the success and the much desired confidence.

I will be waiting for the comments on this article.

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  1. deepa 12 years ago
    • Alok Vats 12 years ago

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