Essential Tips to Reduce Electricity Bill!

One change which recession brought among us is to think about saving money. Money is something which every one of us wants to save for our better future. Recessions have huge impact on our salaries and thus we try our best to save money from whichever way we can.

In the name of cost cutting, we changed our postpaid mobile into prepaid one. We also tried using public transport instead of the private vehicles, Electricity bill is something which does not have much scope to reduce. These days due to some other reasons the electricity bill is increasing day by day, and many of us use the electricity in a manner that we can’t be able to think about reducing the electricity bill. It is really difficult to live a life without electricity. It is one of the most basic and essential utility of our life.

Tips to Reduce Electricity Bill!

I don’t know why but most of my friends complain me that their electricity bill is much higher than that of us, while we all have almost same consumption. The only thing which allows me to get a reduced electricity bill is the use of tube light or CFL bulbs in place of normal bulbs. Along with this I usually prefer to switch off the light which is not in use, thus it allows me to get a less electricity bill along with helping to save electricity which ultimately helps us to save our planet. For more underrated tips and tricks to save on your energy bills while increasing your air quality and comfort, you can refer to sites such as

Here are some of the ways through which you can also reduce your electricity bill:

Use Proper Appliances:
To reduce electricity consumption, the best way is to get appliances with a higher energy star rating and ensure they undergo regular pat testing like the ones at The more stars your appliances have, the less you’ll need to pay on your electricity bill. While acquiring higher energy star-rated products may come with a slightly higher initial cost, in the long run, they prove to be more cost-effective than purchasing appliances with lower energy star ratings. Regular pat testing further ensures the safety and efficiency of your electrical appliances, making your energy-saving efforts even more effective. Tony the Appliance Hunter tests appliances to help homeowners choose the best one. Not only they should have a good star rating, but they also should be serviced regularly so that they consume the same amount of power that they should, in the early days as a new appliance. Visit to find the best service-men who come at an affordable price with the best quality.

Turning Off the Light:
The best way to save the electricity bill is by turning off the light whenever possible. As I said already that with the use of CFL (Compact Fluorescent Light) bulbs in place of the normal bulb helps us to reduce electricity bill.

Other than these two, we can also wash the clothes in cold water and avoid using the dryer to dry the clothes. What I prefer is to hang the clothes to dry them. Electricity, which you can find more information here, is precious and it is our duty to save it. After all it is we who need to think about our own future and to save electricity bill is the best way to think about our saving and about country also.

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  1. Fernando Stotesberry 13 years ago
    • Alok Vats 13 years ago
  2. Anjan 12 years ago
    • Alok Vats 12 years ago

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