How Science will Rock our Life in the Year 20Ten?

Friends, year 20Ten is just a few days away from us and I was just thinking about how Science will rock our life in the coming year. We imagine a lot and science helps us to convert that imagination into reality. Let’s see how science is going to rock in the year 20Ten:

The year of Clean and Green Energy:

New Year will definitely be the year of clean and green energy, and this is something which can be possible with the help of all the countries. Although Copenhagen summit ends without any compulsory deal between the nations but it is true that countries like United States, China, and India etc. are now well aware about their duty to reduce the Carbon extraction. This will definitely help world to reduce the extraction of Carbon and save the earth from Global Warming. Many countries like Australia is prohibiting the use of light bulbs in the year 20ten, along with this they are also promoting the use of CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lamp) technique. This will surely reduce the Carbon extraction. This year all the concerning bodies are considering for the complete black-out during the earth hour. This will also help us to make world greener.

Development of New Life Saving Vaccines:

Year 2009 will remain in our mind for many years due to some unwanted reasons like H1N1 (popularly known as Swine Flu), which killed many people around the globe. Some of the companies are trying to develop vaccine against H1N1 and most probably in the year 20ten they will develop it too. Along with this it is sure that year 20ten will give us more vaccines against the diseases like Aids, Malaria etc. 20ten will surely give some relief against the global problem of obesity. Stem cells technique will help science to discover some valuable solutions for the mankind. Science and technology will help disabled people too in the year 20ten with some artificial products like hands and legs.

The Year of The Friendly Robots:

Yes, it’s true that the coming year 20ten is going to be the year of friendly robots which will enter in our daily life too. Android and Artificial Intelligence will boost the robotics in the year 20ten. Now the robots will also have the same imagination as we human beings have. Thus our life will now be more dependent on the science than the humans. Robots for the armed forces are now the things of the past, as now the emphasis is on the needs of the human beings, especially the old aged people, lonely people, disabled people etc. Robots will now decide according to the environment and condition with which they will meet. Thus the gap between human being and robots will a bit more narrow in the coming year.

Life behind the Earth:

Year 2009 give us the proof that there is water on the surface of Moon and even on the surface of Mars too. Coming year 20ten will surely reveal some new facts about the life behind the earth and we can even move towards space too.

Thus science is sure to meet with lots of imagination and demand in the year 20ten, and we do hope that our scientist will give us even more to celebrate in the coming year.

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