Top 6 Events of year 2008!

As the year 2008 is passing away, it is leaving behind lots of memories in our mind. A year which can be remembered for lots of events like US got the first African-American President, and the Grand Olympic events in which Michael Phelps created history by winning eight gold medals, terror attack on Mumbai and many more events. Here are the top six events of the year 2008.

1> US got the first African American President:

In 2007 most of the people are not aware from the name of Mr. Barack Obama. During the presidential campaign he first defeated the former US first lady Hillary Clinton and then he defeated the thinking of the people that US will never elect an African-American as President. On November 04, 2008 he defeated the Republican candidate John McCain by a huge margin and thus he became the 44th President of United States of America.

2> China Olympic 2008:

For the first time China hosted the Olympic Games and on this occasion China opened the door to the entire world. Summer Olympic 2008 which were popularly known as XXIX Olympiad shows the strength of China to the entire world. The grand opening ceremony will always remain in the memory of lots of people forever.  People will also remember this event for the eight gold medal won by Michael Phelps.

3> Global Economic Crisis:

Year 2008 will also be remembered for the biggest stock market crash. It was even the worst market crash since the Great Depression ( of 1929. The global share market crash started from September 2008, which is still going on and created a huge financial problem through out the world. US became the first victim and then almost each and every country became the victim of the scenario. This incident caused heavy downfall in job sector and few people lost their job too.

4> Mumbai Terror Attack:

An incident which shocked the entire world, it started from the night of 26th November 2008 at Mumbai which is known as the Business Capital of India. The incident of the attack by around 10 terrorists to the financial capital of India took the life of around 175 people including some foreigners too. This incident shocked the entire India as well as the world too.

5> Shoe throwing Incident to Bush:

The year 2008 will also be remembered for the incident of the shoe throwing to the US President Bush. Muntadhar al-Zeidi, a journalist, threw the shoes to the US President on 14th of December, in a joint news conference with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki of Iraq. Later al-Zeidi has been hailed as a hero in the Arab world.

6> India’s First Unmanned Mission to Moon:

It was a huge success to the Indian scientists and a boost to India’s space mission. India launched the first unmanned mission Chandayaan-1 on 22nd October 2008, and thus India became the superpower in the field of space missions. Now India is planning to launch the manned mission to the moon.

Other than these events some of the great people passed away during 2008 include Paul Newman, Sydney Pollack, Tim Russert, Bernie Mac, Heath Ledger, Mahender Kapoor. The list has a few more name and we pay homage to all of them.

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  1. Devemdra 15 years ago
  2. p@r@noid 15 years ago

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