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When You Decide to Quit a Job!

Did you ever realize why a person decided to quit a job? After all what went wrong that a person took such a life changing decision. Read on to know what went behind when you decided to quit a job?

Honestly, I might have less experience than many other working people out here, but then I do have an experience of around 10 years, in which I have experienced many offices, work-cultures, and managements. I have gone through different workplaces during those 10 years.

I have also talked to many people, from a range of CEO, VP’s to an executive level guy and even to an office boy as well. Honestly I worked as a Manager as well, and even after working as a manager for so long I once again joined an organization at an executive level as well. For many it might be a dishonor, but not for me as it was the need of the time. While working on different positions give me the chance to interact with different people from so many organizations.

Honestly I realized that there are only a few people out here who seems satisfied with their organization. Though companies claims that they are the best place to work, but then in reality their CEO’s are not even aware about the difficulties which their staffs are facing in reality. They use to sit with a group of managers, who has the tendency of telling everything which they already know that their boss will please to hear.

Thus in reality the top management of almost all the companies is not at all aware about the difficulties which lower lever employees are facing.

Honestly when a lower level employee decided to quit no one from the top level management care about it.

The organizations should try to hear the issues which forced an asset of their organization to say ”I Quit”, but then not many companies are having this tendency of asking the person who is leaving that why have you decided to say good bye to us?

Not many organizations are having that much of guts, as the top level management already know why a person is leaving the organization. Though I am sure that CEO’s might not be aware of this situation. They are actually surrounded by people who prefer to do fulsomeness and actually why they don’t do it, when they realize that their CEO is like that only who becomes happy after hearing those things only.

When You Decide to Quit a Job!

When You Decide to Quit a Job!

Honestly when you decide to quit a job, it is not at all an easy decision.

When You Decide to Quit a Job! 

The culture of quitting the job is increasing these days. It is not because that people are leaving the organization on a happy note; very less people are there who is really thinking about switching their company just because they are getting some really good offer.

In most of the cases, almost all the companies are going to offer almost same things to everyone. There are so many hidden things about an organization which you can only realize after joining them and working there for some time.

So why does an employee consider quitting his/her job? Here are a few reasons which I realized during my own working life:

Job Satisfaction 

The biggest reasons why someone decide to leave an organization is the job satisfaction. There are organizations where a person is recruited for a particular work, but then after joining the company they realizes that there are no such works for them. They are being left with frustration and some works which has no relationships with their dream and desire.

Why the hell companies recruit a person when there is no use of such person in their organization?

Do companies had so much money to invest?

If so, then why not invest on those people who are very much required in their organization.

To be very honest, a person will always feel the feeling of job satisfaction only if he or she will be allotted a purposeful and emotionally involved job.

Salary Satisfaction 

Salary being the most important thing for which a person works, and if an organization either won’t give the proper salary to an employee, or won’t give it at times, it will slowly start developing the negative feeling inside the employee.

Although, it is true that what will be the perfect salary for an employee can sometimes be a bit controversial as well, cause for some people if you can provide them the best possible salary bracket too, but they won’t be satisfied from it. Since, I have worked on a senior management level and hence with my experience I can say this, but then companies should also have the transparency in this.

There should be a fixed bracket of salary for a single level of openings. Different level of wages for different people working at the same level can cause the negative feeling.

Other Benefits 

There are companies which might give a bit less salary to employees but then they do have some other benefits like PF deduction, Life Insurance, Health Insurance, LTA, etc. as well.

On the other hand there are companies which provide a bit satisfactory wages to its employees, but then they won’t invest on other benefits. Thus it becomes one of the main reasons behind the dissatisfaction of their employees.

Leaves Policy 

During last 3-4 years I realized that leave policies of the companies and leave approvals by respective managers in companies, becomes one of the prime reasons why employees decided to quit a company.

Normally leaves being one of the things which is helpful in the recreation of the employees. They do feel new energy and freshness after coming back from holidays.

But these days plenty of companies are smoothly running their operations with having almost zero leaves policy. This is increasing the level of frustration among their employees.

Non-cooperative Managers 

Undoubtedly a cooperative manager is one of the prime reasons why a company grows. Honestly these days I have seen that a good human being can never become a good manager from the point of view of the organization.

There are managers who can talk shit to their employees, who remain in fulsomeness with their managers, and those types of managers are being liked by the organizations these days. A manager who is soft spoken is very rare to see in companies these days.

Ideally a manager should be special, if he has the ability to bring out the best of the team which he or she manages, but then the companies are not happy with those managers, and hence the organizations are now having such managers who can do everything possible to achieve the targets only. Human values are retarding badly in organizations.

So this is the reason why non-cooperative managers are increasing day by day in organizations and thus a normal employee decided to say quit.

Management Style 

Now this is something which can decide the fate of an organization. As I said above only that if the company is promoting people who are doing the fulsomeness, other people from the organization will also start doing so as they will realize that the company will praise those things only.

Thus management style is a very crucial thing which is required to be managed properly. The company should always promote that manager who gives value to the organizational goals and at the same time to their team as well.

Management style of an organization can always create frustration in the employees who really want to work properly and dedicatedly.

Job Security 

When you have this feeling that your job might be in problem on any day, it won’t allow you to perform with full dedication.

Job satisfaction is something which can really help an organization to grow infinitely. Employees feel associated with the organization if they do have this feeling of job satisfaction.

Work Culture 

As I said already that work culture of an organization will be defined and managed by the CEO’s of that particular organization only.

If they do have this ability of setting the examples for their employees, the work culture of that particular organization will never hurt anyone. But on the other hand if the CEO of the company will be happy with some guys doing fulsomeness only around them, the companies work culture will be sure to deteriorate soon.

If the employees are passing days in an organization with almost nil work, it simply means the work culture of the organization is in real threat.

This is something which can really frustrate any good employee.


Now this is something which is very much required for the satisfaction of any employee, but lacking badly in organizations these days. There are not many organizations in which managers appreciate employees, but they do appreciate those people only who will do buttering of them.

This is seriously dangerous situation. I guess for guys like me this being the number one reason why I decided to quit from some organizations.

Company Loyalty 

Seriously this is something which has reduced badly during last few years. Obviously if companies with such things will be there, employees will definitely have less loyalty towards them.

So those were some of the reasons why an employee decides to quit their job. Other than these you can also consider the issues like location, coworkers, promotions, etc. as some other reasons why employees prefer to change their organization, but truly if companies can get rid of these above mentioned things they can truly become the best places to work.

Although when you are fed up of the work-culture or any other things of an organization then also you should understand that it is not the end of the road. You can even get a better opportunity and organization, but then if you are decided to quit your life then this is the worst decision I will call it as.

Recently heard a news of a girl doing suicide from a media house. I must say that this is not a right approach. Unless and until you don’t have faced something which can change your life like sexual harassment, or physical torture, then I don’t think that anyone should decide to do suicide just because of their organization.

You can always get better opportunities than what you have at the moment.

I have seen that the agency which gives this award of best places to work is also not a good reason to judge any organization. As the reality always remain differ than what they collect data from employees. Honestly none of the low level employee will say the truth, just because they will have the fear of losing job. Companies also pressurize them for giving wrong input and I have seen this by my own in a company which claims to be the great place to work, which they are obviously not.

Do share your opinion about this blog post of mine. What do you think about the culture of quitting which is developing these days in many organizations? Do share your opinion in the form of comments over here.

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