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How to Write Killer Blog Posts!

A few years back I write a blog posts on how to write killer blog posts for your blog. With time many things has changed, and as I am these days re-writing some old blog posts of mine, today I decided to re-write on the same topic only.

As you all are aware that I am an active member at some blogging communities and thus I get the chance to interact with many budding bloggers. One of the most common issues which I found among them is that despite giving so much effort, most of them are not getting many visitors, sometimes not at all visits as well.

As per them they work so hard on their blog.

They always try to share their best tips with new blog posts, and they do share the best tips of them as well.

One of the thing which I lack as a blogger, and I don’t even hesitate to accept the same as well, is that I did not get the chance to edit my blog posts, while many of those bloggers informed me that they usually edit their blog posts as well, before publishing the same.

They usually promote their posts on Facebook and Twitter as well, I usually spent one or two hours only on FB in a week, but they almost remain online on FB all the time.

Other than these they also have focused on building an email list as well, and they also focus on sending them newsletter too on a regular interval.

Despite giving so much effort on their blog, they still somehow feel that their efforts are not paying off.

Not in the way of monitory gains only, but in the way of reader base as well.

It’s not like that I have a huge follow back, who are desperately looking for my next blog posts. I also falls in the same line, but my condition is a bit better than all others, but when I do compare my blogs with some really high quality blogs I also consider myself at the same level.

Frustrating, no?

Yes, sometimes it becomes too frustrating as well.

Well, to be very frank, if you really want to get some good response on your blog posts, in the form of returning readers, and comments, etc. then what I can suggest you all is to change your writing style. Let me tell you one secret of how to gain more engaged readers for your blog, it is a fact that the topics on which you are writing, is already known to most of your visitors, or there are exactly thousands of blog posts already written on the same topic on which you are writing.

So why will a user prefer reading your blog post?

Believe me my dear friends, it is not the information which you provide to your readers which force them to engage with you, but it is the way how you present it to them.

It is your writing style only which might force them to either engage with you or stay out of it.

It is you only who will have to make your blog posts so irresistible that readers will wait eagerly for your next blog post. And to do so the reader will might follow either your twitter or Facebook account or definitely subscribe to your blog.

How to Write Killer Blog Posts?

How to Write Killer Blog Posts?

How to Write Killer Blog Posts?

Here are some tips which might force you to write killer looking blog posts:

Conversation Style

Do you know the reason why blogs became such a massive hit?

Well, as per me, it is the easiest way of conversation, which made it as a huge idea.

It is more like you are talking to your best buddies, and everyone is listening to you, ask you questions and you respond to them.

To be very frank if you really want to become successful as a blogger, you definitely have to start a similar conversation with your readers as well.

To do so, you also need to ask many small-small questions in between the post, it will help your readers to pay attention towards your answer and then to match with theirs, thus will help them to engage with your blog.

Understanding User Requirements

Did you ever tried to understand what your users are looking for from your blog?

Once you will analyze this, you will become a successful blogger. People will start following you, not because you write awesome blogs, but because your blog provide them what they are looking for.

Now, once you analyzed what your readers want from your blog, try to write it in the way as they will find it understandable and easy too. See, if you are a good author, write or blogger, you won’t ever try to impress your readers with your word power, rather try to make it so simple that they can easily understand it.

After all you are writing the blog post for some of the questions which are going in the mind of your readers, and if you are being able to satisfy them with your responses, you will become a good blogger automatically.

Don’t Show Off

Well, frankly speaking blogging is a way to establish your authority, but it does not mean that you make your readers feel less knowledgeable. Believe me my dear friends, no matter how much experience you do have in a particular field; your readers might have more knowledge of the same from you.

In real life do you like a friend who tries to show off?

I guess, no, then why will your readers prefer reading you, if they found that you are showing off?

As I said already that try to start a conversation with your readers as they are your best buddies, so follow the same throughout your blog. Let them feel as if you are a knowledgeable friend, but you are not showing off your knowledge, rather you are helping them out.

Be Vulnerable

Tell me one thing, if you ever came through anyone who is perfect?

I guess, no. We all are human beings, and we all do have some weaknesses, limitations, fear, etc.

Believe me my dear friends, expressing our own weaknesses in our blog post will not make us guilty any way. Rather your readers will feel somehow associated with you, as they will find that they too have the same types of issues.

Like, I don’t know how many times I shared with my readers that my English knowledge is not that great, I do make mistakes in writing, but I am satisfied as I can be able to pass on the things to the readers of my blog in an easier way. And my purpose is solved.

Show Your Passion

How will you feel if you are talking to your friend and he is not at all passionate about talking to you?

The similar is the case when you are writing your blog post, but your readers will not find anything which can hint them that you are really happy or passionate enough to let them read it.

See, you won’t be able to display your body language in your blog to show them your passion, but in this case you will have to choose your words in a way which can show your passion towards the same.

If we two can sit and discuss on this issue, I am quite sure we can be able to produce so many more points about how to write killer blog posts. What do you say? Are you getting some more points other than those which I mentioned over here?

Oh common, don’t hesitate in sharing the same with us. We will definitely discuss on the same. Do let me know your points in the way of comments over here; I will be eagerly waiting for them.

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